Therapy that Heals

EFT - Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples and individuals is a highly researched therapy model that is based on attachment science. Attachment is a wired in need for us to feel safe and secure bonds in our connection with others. If our connection to others is distant, withdrawn, anxious, panicky, ambivalent, wanting to get close and wanting to get away, our relationships are strained and conflicted. This is a psychotherapy model that focuses on the layers of your feelings with sensitive reflecting and experiencing in order to change negative emotion cycles. With couples, clients report feeling a stronger bond, trust and love with their partner.

AEDP - Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy is all about undoing alone-ness. Like EFT, it heavily draws on attachment theory. It is a trauma focused talk therapy that processes the past through attachment and body focused techniques. Priority is given to uncovering emotions, gently softening avoidance to feeling these emotions and bringing awareness to where the emotional states are felt inside the body. This therapy model will allow us to create a deeper connection to you. Through this work, clients report deep transformation with an immense appreciation of their resilience for surviving the places of pain in the best way that they knew how. The new and different “now” self feels more alive and engaged.

Parts Work - Parts work is drawn from and woven into several therapy models (most notably IFS - Internal Family Systems.) The idea that we have multiple feelings at the same time is considered to be the essence of being human. With the same issue, a part of us feels and acts this way and a part of us feels something different. Sometimes these differing feelings create a lot of internal noise and confusion. With our vulnerable feelings, we develop ways of being, reacting, and thinking to protect us from knowing our wounded parts. We might “put on a face” or act in a way that will bring more acceptance from others, for example. In this work, we invite all parts of you forward with care, curiosity and compassion. Clients report immense clarity, understanding and increased empathy for the various aspects of themselves with parts work.

EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a proven, well researched therapeutic intervention that uses bilateral stimulation to heal trauma. I use EMDR for very specific PTSD symptoms such as intrusive memories, visual images, body sensations, nightmares and triggers. EMDR can be extremely effective in lessening or eliminating symptoms. Clients report that memories seem “further away” and not as jarring. People are able to find more distance from the events and describe the situation as something that happened to them but no longer consumes them. To provide relief from PTSD symptoms, I use EMDR for a few targeted sessions as indicated and weave it into a longer treatment model.

We all want to heal.